The name though. It kinda makes you giggle right? That was the point!
We’ve been enjoying this one midday as a deeply nourishing pick-me-up just scooped right out of the jar. It’s also incredibly delicious in smoothies, topped on yogurt, oats or granola and super yummy in warm milk concoctions like coffee, hot chocolate and others.
• We started with a trio of satiating lipids - grass fed ghee, thick coconut butter and smooth coconut oil.
• To that we added pitaya (aka dragonfruit) for its massive amount of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals + tart cherry for its vitamins, minerals and ability to help muscle soreness and recovery + black goji berry for its immune support and high antioxidants levels.
•Tremella mushroom (aka snow mushroom) is next, and goodness gracious is this one fancy mushroom. It kind of looks like lace, very wavy and thin and almost pearly in color, like a wavy star. This mushroom has been used for a very long time in Asian cultures and there are currently many studies being done it for its incredible benefits. A few of its most touted claims (from studies, use and hundreds of years of use) are its moisturizing & supportive effects to the outermost skin as well as being said to mimic the effects of hyaluronic acid which is known to lubricate eyes, joints and skin. Tremella has also very high antioxidant levels, it’s linked to cardiovascular and lung health and is neuroprotective. Mushrooms are so rad and we are stoked to be bringing snow mushroom to you in this mix.
• Espresso beans are hand ground and added to the bottom of the jar and the top so that every scoop gets a yummy crunch of health & energy promoting espresso.
• Last but not least a sprinkle of rose petals on bottom and top bring a heart centered intention. Roses connect us with our biggest energy field - our heart - and in synergy with the lipids, super fruits, berries, bright espresso and mushrooms we trust this mix will enliven your heart and soul.
• Dark maple sweetens this mix up just enough!
12 oz glass jar.
All organic ingredients: grass fed ghee, coconut butter, coconut oil, dark maple syrup, tremella mushroom, pitaya, tart cherry, black goji berry, espresso beans, rose petals.